"VIROKA" is derived from ancient Sanskrit word for "RAYS" and "LUCE" an Italian word for "LIGHT" , thus "VIROKA LUCE" stands for "Rays of Light" and as rays of light cannot be contained - have an inherent tendency of getting S P R E A D . We at VIROKA LUCE , with almost three decades of expertise, firmly believe that - the age-old native craftsmanship of sculpting beautiful light fixtures n’ artifacts, out of almost every available material, transcends beyond the boundaries of time and scale. This becomes the core of our values at VIROKA LUCE , which defines the approach and actions, while serving a vast customer base across the subcontinent and beyond, involving renowned designers, architects, personalities, etc. It's the vision of a dedicated team of professionals, backed up with manufacturing facilities in INDIA, EUROPE n' FAR EAST, that leads to its success today !!

Our Style is built around the philosophy that turns lighting fixtures into sheer aesthetic pleasure - underscoring the sense of luxury in detail, using innovative material, conventional n' the ultra-modern sophisticated manufacturing techniques, artistic inspiration of designs from well-known designers from across the globe. VIROKA LUCE with its inherent European pedigree ensures the quality, workmanship n' safety of the products at aggressive prices, thus opting us as the most preferred associate by our valuable clients.